My Mission

Provide support with awareness, curiosity & compassion.

I believe that nourishing & fueling one’s body with awareness, curiosity and compassion are pivotal to feeling one’s best both physically and emotionally. 

Photo by Alexy Almond from Pexels

As a weight-neutral dietitian nutritionist, my mission is simple:

I promote a non-diet mindful and intuitive eating and fueling philosophy  

I provide client-centered counseling.

This enables us to work together as a team and places you, the client, in the “driver’s seat” since everyone is unique and you are the expert of your body. Only you know how hungry and full you are, what you love to eat and will truly satisfy you, what types and amounts of foods/beverages will leave you feeling your best and how you ultimately want to feel.

Schedule a free discovery call to learn more about the services I offer.

Are you ready to become empowered to make peace with food and develop a mindful and intuitive eating and living wisdom of your own?

I will walk with you, stay curious and offer support, compassion and encouragement to help guide you along your own journey towards healing.